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Hydroponic gardening is a unique, fun way to grow plants. Here are 3 great tips to get you on your way to growing a bumper crop.
If you have heard of hydroponic gardening but are not quite sure what it is and what you need to create one, this article will help you get started. Hydroponic gardening is growing plants without using soil. This may seem like it will never work, but you will be surprised. All you need is perlite, water, and sand or gravel to create your hydroponic garden.
Best of all, you can grow any kind of plant using hydroponic methods, including fruits, vegetables, herbs, flowers, and much more! But, to grow these plants well, you will need to give them the right nutrients, in the right amounts. They will also need enough light and the correct soil replacement medium so they will grow well. To help you get off to a great start, here are three easy tips that will help you learn as you go:
Consider the medium
First, consider the medium in which the plants will grow. Plants must be able to “anchor” themselves so they will be able to store the water and nutrients that they will need. This does not apply to plants that grow with their roots in the air or in water. In that case, there are systems you can buy or build yourself that will help you provide air and water to the plants. For the others, you can use vermiculite and perlite (a lightweight volcanic product that has high water content). These are great because they retain water and also help keep the air circulating around the roots of the plants.
Give balanced nutrients
Second, be sure you give the plants balanced nutrients. The big advantage of hydroponic gardening is that the roots of the plant take in the nutrients right away. So the nutrients have to be immediately available to the plant. When using soil, the plants must find the nutrients and then break them down for use. Using quality plant fertilizer is one of the best ways to grow strong, healthy plants.
With hydroponics, the plants take in the nutrients very quickly and they grow faster while producing healthy, large plants. Always give the plants the right amount of nutrients, so you don’t overwhelm them by overfeeding. You can either use organic fertilizers or chemical fertilizers. Usually, the organic ones are a lot more difficult to work with. They can both be purchased in liquid form.
Ensure good light
The third important tip is that there must be good light. Just like any other plants, hydroponic plants need light to grow properly. The amount of light needed will vary depending on what you are growing.
To help meet this light requirement, you can use fluorescent grow lights or high-pressure sodium bulb lights. Some people also use metal halide bulbs or high-intensity discharge bulbs. Any of these lights will do a great job of making sure there is enough light.
The great news is that anyone can use hydroponic gardening to grow a bumper crop with little to no effort. It can be fun, exciting and the whole family can do it.